
① 当グループについて


② メンバー


③ 主な活動


④ 業績




川村 廉, 西信 俊宏, 志水 太郎.培養未採取での広域抗菌薬投与により診断が遅れ、手術を要した感染性心内膜炎のエラー分析と望ましい対応.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page609(2019.11)
椎木 麻姫子, 西信 俊宏, 志水 太郎.背景情報のバイアスを解除するZero-based thinkingの一例.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌(2185-8136)15巻3号 Page221(2019.5)
柿本 慎太郎, 廣澤 孝信, 志水 太郎.画像所見が遅れて出てくる疾患をいかに診断するか? 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻3号 Page219(2019.05)
中山 樹, 宮上 泰樹,他.インフルエンザを意識しすぎて脳出血の発見が遅れた一例.日本病院総合診療医学会(2185-8136)15巻6号 Page578(2019.11)
中山 樹, 種井 実佳, 宮上 泰樹,他.紹介状の主訴を重視しすぎたためクローン病による回腸膀胱瘻の診断が遅れた一例.日本病院総合診療医学会(2185-8136)15巻3号 Page320(2019.05)
尾崎 功治,高橋 雄一,宮上 泰樹,他.意識障害とシバリングを主訴に薬剤性低血糖の診断に至ったパーキンソン病患者の一例.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻3号 Page226(2019.05)
吉村文孝,國友耕太郎,辻隆宏.側頭部痛を主訴に来院され巨細胞性動脈炎と鑑別を要した蝶形骨洞真菌症.日本病院総合診療医学会(2185-8136)15巻6号 Page578(2019.11)
池田 圭一郎, 原田 拓,他.認知バイアスおよびシステム要因が招いた複数のバイアスによって早期閉鎖を生じた事例.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page565(2019.11)
天野 佑, 和足 孝之,他.医師の自己省察に基づく診断エラーと認知バイアスの解析研究.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page615(2019.11)
大槻 和也, 和足 孝之, 他.日本の医療訴訟からみた診断エラーの解析.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号Page615(2019.11)
坂口 舞, 高瀬 啓至, 志水 太郎.検査・治療が差し控えられ、死後に結核と診断された一例. 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌(2185-8136)15巻6号 Page598(2019.11)
中村 大輔, 鈴木 諭, 松尾 良子.Over confidence biasによる認知エラーにより生存中に診断できなかった粟粒結核の1例.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page577(2019.11)
鋪野 紀好, 舩越 拓, 石塚 晃介,他.急速上行性の感覚障害からギラン・バレー症候群を想起したアンカリングバイアスの一例.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page573(2019.11).
土田 知也, 松田 隆秀.胃腸炎の診断で入院となった急性門脈血栓症の1例 診断エラーの観点から.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page573(2019.11).
花井 翔悟, 新里 敬.高カルシウム血症 Pitfallに陥りそうになった一例. 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号Page572(2019.11).
池田 圭一郎, 原田 拓,他.認知バイアスおよびシステム要因が招いた複数のバイアスによって早期閉鎖を生じた事例.日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)15巻6号 Page565(2019.11)



森川 暢, 志水 太郎.臨床推論におけるフレーム法の有用性. 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 (2185-8136)16巻2号 Page118-121(2020.03)
水澤 桂, 志水 太郎.プライマリ・ケアの理論と実践(第63回) 日本における診断学教育の活動の実際.日本医事新報 (0385-9215)5014号 Page10-11(2020.05).

Akutagawa K, Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Tsuji T.Organophosphate Poisoning: Vital Signs Are Not Vital In Diagnosis. QJM. 2020 Nov 27;hcaa319.
Harada T, Watari T, Miyagami T, Watanuki S, Shimizu T, Hiroshige J. COVID Blindness: Delayed Diagnosis of Aseptic Meningitis in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2020 Oct 23;7(11):001940
Harada Y, Shimizu T. Delayed Diagnosis of Pulmonary Thromboembolism Due to Overfocus on COVID-19. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2020 Oct 21;7(11):002002
Ito T, Sawachika H, Harada Y,Shimizu T. The Dangers of Immediately Performing a Sensitive and Specific Investigation versus the Dangers of Delaying It: A Cautionary Case of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2020 Dec 1;7(12):002138.
Sakamoto T, Harada Y, Shimizu T. A Cat-and-Mouse Game? Multiple Abscesses Due to Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia.Am J Med. 2020 Nov 24;S0002-9343(20)31048-2.
Sakamoto T, Harada Y, Shimizu T. A Cat-and-Mouse Game? Multiple Abscesses Due to Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia.Am J Med. 2020 Nov 24;S0002-9343(20)31048-2.
Yokose M, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Behind the Leg: Cryptococcal Meningitis, Not Cellulitis. Am J Med. 2020 Mar;133(3):e81-e82. Yukinori Harada, Taro Shimizu


・レジデントから実践できる診断エラー学的 5 minutes reflection on/for action ~診断エラーの建設的な振り返りができる 1on1 の作り方~
・Safety2. プロセスが良かった時でも何故良かったのかを振り返る.丸善出版.

志水 太郎,綿貫 聡,和足 孝之.診断エラー学のすすめ.日経メディカル.
綿貫 聡,他.医師として知っておくべき医療の質向上と患者安全の鉄則 35の訓え.

原田 拓,和足 孝之,弘重 壽一.無菌性髄膜炎の診断遅延の頻度と特徴 : 24 例のケースシリーズ.第22回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.
佐々木 陽典,他.腋窩リンパ節菊池病図に関する検討~腋窩診察の重要性~.第22回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.
飯塚 康哲,土田 知也,他.尿管結石と思い込み、診断の遅れが生じた奇異性塞栓症による腎梗塞の一 例.第22回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.
増山 勝俊,高田 有沙,宮上 泰樹,他.蜂窩織炎と同時期に発症し、診断に難渋したリウマチ性多発筋痛症の一例.第22回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.
井原 紫逸,鋪野 紀好,他.COVID- 19 に対する利用性バイアスにより診断エラーに陥ったツツガム シ病の一例.
原田 拓.下部消化管穿孔の診断エラー率と関連因子の調査:多施設後ろ向き研究.
鈴木 智晴.くも膜下出血の診断エラーの頻度と診断エラーに関連した要因の解析.第23回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.

Harada T, Miyagami T, Kunitomo K, Shimizu T. Clinical Decision Support Systems for Diagnosis in Primary Care: A Scoping Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Aug 10;18(16):8435.
Harada T, Miyagami T, Watari T, Kawahigashi T, Harada Y, Shikino K, Shimizu T. Barriers to diagnostic error reduction in Japan. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021 Jun 30.
Harada T, Miyagami T, Watari T, Hiyoshi T, Kunitomo K, Tsuji T, Shimizu T. Analysis of diagnostic error cases among Japanese residents using diagnosis error evaluation and research taxonomy. J Gen Fam Med. 2021 Jan 4;22(2):96-99.
Harada T, Sasaki Y, Tokunaga T, Yoshizawa A, Miura S, Ikeda K, Saito T, Hiroshige J. 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography detection of single organ vasculitis of the breast: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Mar 26;100(12):e25259.
原田 拓,宮上 泰樹,綿貫 聡,和足 孝之,高橋 宏瑞,近藤 猛,志水 太郎.診断エラーワーキンググループの活動報告および診断エラーの歴史と文化に関する考察.日病総診誌.2021;17(4):448-452
Harada Y, Katsukura S, Kawamura R, Shimizu T. Efficacy of Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Differential-Diagnosis List on the Diagnostic Accuracy of Physicians: An Open-Label Randomized Controlled Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Feb 21;18(4):2086.
Harada Y, Katsukura S, Kawamura R, Shimizu T. Effects of a Differential Diagnosis List of Artificial Intelligence on Differential Diagnoses by Physicians: An Exploratory Analysis of Data from a Randomized Controlled Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 May 23;18(11):5562.
Ito T, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Diagnostic and Management Errors in an Immunodeficient Patient with Pneumococcal Pneumonia with Bacteraemia due to Incorrect Assessment of the Patient’s Immune Status. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2021 Apr 26;8(4):002557.
Kawamura R, Suzuki Y, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Atypical presentation of colorectal carcinoma with sole multiple osteolytic bone metastases: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2021 May 21;15(1):256.
Kawamura R, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Missed Diagnosis of Cholangiocarcinoma Presenting with Atypical Symptoms. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2021 Jan 26;8(1):002207.
Kawamura R, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Diagnostic Effect of Consultation Referral from Gastroenterologists to Generalists in Patients with Undiagnosed Chronic Abdominal Pain: A Retrospective Study. Healthcare. 2021; 9(9):1150.
Kushiro S, Miyagami T, Kanai Y, Yang KS, Naito T. Delayed Diagnosis of Portal Vein Thrombosis Due to Premature Closure of Cholecystitis. Am J Med. 2021 Jun 29:S0002-9343(21)00391-0.
Miyagami T, Uehara Y, Harada T, Watari T, Shimizu T, Nakamura Y, Ogura N, Kushiro S, Masuyama K, Kanai Y, Yang K, and Naito T. Delayed treatment of bacteremia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021 Jan 19;dx-2020-0114. doi: 10.1515/dx-2020-0114. Online ahead of print.
Miyagami T, Harada T, Watari T, Shimizu T. Evaluating Cognitive Bias from Diagnostic Error Cases Using the Cognitive Bias Codex. 2021 Journal of Hospital General Medicine
Miyagami T, Harada T,Terukina H, Komori A,Watari T, Shimizu T, Naito T. Diagnostic Difficulties in Treating a Typical Case of a Patient Being a Doctor.  Am J Med. 2021 Jan;134(1):52-53
Miyagami T, Takada A, Shimizu T, Naito T. Delayed diagnosis of a piriformis abscess due to hyposkillia and communication error. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Aug 11;14(8):e242088.
Shimizu T. The 6C model for accurately capturing the patient’s medical history. Diagnosis. In Press 2021.


・Difficult Patient Encounters から学ぶ、一歩進んだ診断推論~ネガティブな感情をポジ ティブに活かす方法~
・The Cutting Edge on Improving Diagnosis in Medicine~診断エラー界を席巻する研究 者集団になろう~
・「M&M カンファレンスを 開催してみよう!」
・「診断クリニカルパールズ ~診断エラー症例から良質 な真珠を手に入れよう~」
ゼロから始めよう!M&Mカンファレンス ~M&Mとは?その意義は?~

綿貫聡.「診断エラー」を科学する!セッティング別 陥りやすい疾患・状況.総合診療.2022年5月.医学書院.

Katsukura S, Harada Y, Otaka Y, Shimizu T. Characteristics of diagnostic errors in outpatients referred for diagnosis in a tertiary care setting. Poster Session 1: Clinical Vignettes, Education, Patient Engagement, Practice Improvement, Scientific. SIDM’s 15th Annual Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine conference, SIDM 2022. October 16th, 2022. Minneapolis, MN. USA.
Harada Y, Otaka Y, Katsukura S, Shimizu T. Prevalence of diagnostic errors in outpatients consulted by generalists in a tertiary care setting. Poster Session 1: Clinical Vignettes, Education, Patient Engagement, Practice Improvement, Scientific. SIDM’s 15th Annual Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine conference, SIDM 2022. October 16th, 2022. Minneapolis, MN. USA.
Hayashi A, Harada Y, Tomiyama S, Yokose M, Sakamoto T, Kawamura R, Shimizu T. Improvement of diagnostic accuracy of artificial intelligence-based differential diagnosis lists by using multiple artificial intelligence systems. Poster Session 1: Clinical Vignettes, Education, Patient Engagement, Practice Improvement, Scientific. SIDM’s 15th Annual Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine conference, SIDM 2022. October 16th, 2022. Minneapolis, MN. USA.
Harada Y. The diagnostic buddy system: enhancing the meta-cognition during the diagnostic process. SIDM Talks: “Imagine a Future where Diagnosis is…” SIDM’s 15th Annual Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine conference, SIDM 2022. October 16th, 2022. Minneapolis, MN. USA.
大高由美, 原田侑典, 勝倉真一, 志水太郎. 大学病院総合診療科の外来患者における主訴と診断エラーとの関連について. 第25回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会. 2022年8月19日. オンライン.
志水太郎, 原田拓. 診断エラーについて(専攻医セミナー). 認定医・指導医指定講演(教育講演). 第25回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会. オンライン.
Masashi Yokose, Shogo Hanai, Shusaku Tomiyama, Yukinori Harada, Taro Shimizu. Outcomes of general internal medicine consultations for diagnosis from specialists in a general hospital: a retrospective observational study. 米国内科学会(ACP)日本支部年次総会・講演会2022.2022年6月25日.Online.
原田拓, 原田侑典, 弘重壽一, 志水太郎. 虫垂炎におけるALVARADO scoreと診断エラーの関連性. 第24回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会. 2022年2月26日. オンライン.
川口湧水,國友耕太郎,吉村文孝,他.診断の不確実性を共有することにより診断エラーを防ぎえた小児多系統炎症性症候群 (MIS-C)の一例.第24回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.

Shimizu T, Graber ML. An equation for excellence in clinical reasoning. Diagnosis (Berl). 2022 Nov 10. doi: 10.1515/dx-2022-0060. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36351261.
Harada T, Harada Y, Hiroshige J, Shimizu T. Factors associated with delayed diagnosis of appendicitis in adults: A single-center, retrospective, observational study. PLoS One. 2022 Oct 20;17(10):e0276454.
Yokose M, Harada Y, Hanai S, Tomiyama S, Shimizu T. Outcomes of General Internal Medicine Consultations for Diagnosis from Specialists in a Tertiary Hospital: A Retrospective Observational Study. Int J Gen Med. 2022;15:7209-7217
Shimizu T, Graber M. How insight contributes to diagnostic excellence. Diagnosis (Berl). 2022 Jun 8. doi: 10.1515/dx-2022-0007.
Shimizu T. System 2 Diagnostic Process for the Next Generation of Physicians: “Inside” and “Outside” Brain-The Interplay between Human and Machine. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Jan 30;12(2):356.
Kawamura R, Harada Y, Sugimoto S, Nagase Y, Katsukura S, Shimizu T. Incidence of Diagnostic Errors Among Unexpectedly Hospitalized Patients Using an Automated Medical History–Taking System With a Differential Diagnosis Generator: Retrospective Observational Study. JMIR Med Inform 2022;10(1):e35225
Harada T, Watari T, Watanuki S, Hiroshige J, Kushiro S, Miyagami T, Syusa S, Suzuki S, Hiyoshi T, Hasegawa S, Nabeshima S, Aihara H, Yamashita S, Tago M, Yoshimura F, Kunitomo K, Tsuji T, Hirose M, Tsuchida T, Shimizu T. Diagnostic error rates and associated factors for lower gastrointestinal perforation. Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 19;12(1):1028.
Hongo M, Harada Y, Shimizu T, Gu Y. Acute cytomegalovirus infection in a 61-yearold woman. CMAJ 2022 August 22;194:E1109-11. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.220042
Yokose M, Shimizu T. A Case of Delayed Diagnosis of Acute Pyelonephritis in a Horseshoe Kidney in an Elderly Patient. Dokkyo Medical Journal 1(2): 124-126, 2022.
Kawahigashi T, Harada Y, Watari T, Harada T, Miyagami T, Shikino K, Inada H. Missed Opportunities for Diagnosing Vertebral Osteomyelitis Caused by Influential Cognitive Biases. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Jun 22;23:e936058.
Notomi K, Harada T, Watari T, Hiroshige J, Shimizu T. Misdiagnosis due to false-positive detection of pneumococcal urinary antigen: a case report. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2022 Feb 14;9(2):003198
Kurihara M, Nomura Y, Katsube O, Umetsu T, Numao T, Shimizu T, Sugiyama K. The challenge of differentiating tuberculous meningitis from bacterial meningitis. Respirol Case Rep. 2022 Feb 20;10(3):e0910
Amano M, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Effectual Diagnostic Approach: A New Strategy to Achieve Diagnostic Excellence in High Diagnostic Uncertainty. Int J Gen Med. 2022;15:8327-8332
Mizumoto J, Shimizu T. The remains of the D. J Gen Fam Med. 2022 May 30;23(4):228-232.
Suzuki M, Watanabe G, Watari T. Guillain-Barre Syndrome Caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection in an Elderly Patient Initially Misdiagnosed As Frailty. Cureus. 2022 Feb 19;14(2):e22386.
Suzuki M, Watari T. Delayed Diagnosis of Pancreatic Tail Cancer Presenting With Chronic Scrotal Pain. Cureus. 2022 May 5;14(5):e24756.
Suzuki M, Watari T. Macaroni sign: a clue to Takayasu arteritis diagnosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Aug 2;15(8):e250920.
Watari T et al. Cognitive Bias and Diagnostic Errors among Physicians in Japan: A Self-Reflection Survey. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(8), 4645.
Watari T et al. Role of Japan’s general physicians in healthcare quality improvement and patient safety. J Gen Fam Med. First published: 01 April 2022.
Miyagami T, Nakayama I, Naito T. What Causes Diagnostic Errors? Referred Patients and Our Own Cognitive Biases: A Case Report. Am J Case Rep. 2022 Mar 18;23:e935163. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.935163.
Furusaka T, Miyagami T, Suzuki M, Naito T. Uncommon presentation of Kikuchi disease. Clin Case Rep. 2022 Apr 4;10(4):e05673. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5673.
Kunitomo K, Harada T, Watari T. Cognitive biases encountered by physicians in the emergency room. BMC Emerg Med. 2022 Aug 26;22(1):148.
Hamashoji M, Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Tsuji T. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Psychiatric Patient Mistaken for Indefinite Complaints. EJCRIM 2022;9 doi:10.12890/2022_003242.
Kunitomo K, Shimizu T, Tsuji T, A Common Diagnosis Delayed by Three “Wrong Footing” Anchoring Errors – it is Difficult to Remember What You Have Forgotten. EJCRIM 2022;2022: Vol 9 No 11 .


① 第18回若手医師のための家庭医療学冬季セミナー「初手を究める ~あなたの潜在的な診断力を引き出す、医療面接の始め方~」
② 第26回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会「青年期と小児期の診断」 第26回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会
③ 第26回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会「病歴と診断」
④ 第26回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会「医療診断における認知バイアスを考える」
⑤ 第26回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会「Patient eXperience/Patient Journeyの視点でDiagnostic Excellence(良質な診断)を考える」
⑥ 第26回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会「Consultative medicine―Diagnostic excellence時代のコンサルテーションを考える―」
⑦ 第27回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会「今のうちに知りたい、診断プロセスにおける生成AIの使い方」

Harada Y, Otaka Y, Katsukura S, Shimizu T. Prevalence of atypical presentations among outpatients and associations with diagnostic error. Diagnosis 2023. https://doi.org/10.1515/dx-2023-0060
Hirosawa T, Kawamura R, Harada Y, Mizuta K, Tokumasu K, Kaji Y, Suzuki T, Shimizu T. ChatGPT-Generated Differential Diagnosis Lists for Complex Case-Derived Clinical Vignettes: Diagnostic Accuracy Evaluation. JMIR Med Inform 2023;11:e48808
Hirosawa T, Mizuta K, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Comparative Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy Between Google Bard and Physicians. Am J Med 2023;136(11):1119-1123.e18.
Shimizu T, Dror IE. History information management strategy for minimising biases and noise for improved medical diagnosis. BMJ Open Qual 2023;12(3):e002367.
Harada Y, Watari T, Nagano H, Suzuki T, Kunitomo K, Miyagami T, Aita T, Ishizuka K, Maebashi M, Harada T, Sakamoto T, Tomiyama S, Shimizu T. Diagnostic errors in uncommon conditions: a systematic review of case reports of diagnostic errors. Diagnosis (Berl) 2023;10(4):329-336.
Harada Y, Tomiyama S, Sakamoto T, Sugimoto S, Kawamura R, Yokose M, Hayashi A, Shimizu T. Effects of Combinational Use of Additional Differential Diagnostic Generators on the Diagnostic Accuracy of the Differential Diagnosis List Developed by an Artificial Intelligence-Driven Automated History-Taking System: Pilot Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e49034.
Shimizu T. DECLARE: A Comprehensive, Multifaceted Cognitive Forcing Strategy to Confront Complex Cases. Int J Gen Med 2023;16:1505-1511.
Kawamura R, Harada Y, Yokose M, Hanai S, Suzuki Y, Shimizu T. Survey of Inpatient Consultations with General Internal Medicine Physicians in a Tertiary Hospital: A Retrospective Observational Study. Int J Gen Med 2023;16:1295-1302.
Yamashita S, Tago M, Tokushima Y, Harada Y, Suzuki Y, Aizawa Y, Miyagami T, Sano F, Sasaki Y, Komatsu F, Shimizu T, Naito T, Urita Y, Yamashita SI. Evaluation of a Previously Developed Predictive Model for Infective Endocarditis in 320 Patients Presenting with Fever at 4 Centers in Japan Between January 2018 and December 2020. Med Sci Monit 2023;29:e939640.
Hirosawa T, Harada Y, Yokose M, Sakamoto T, Kawamura R, Shimizu T. Diagnostic Accuracy of Differential-Diagnosis Lists Generated by Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 Chatbot for Clinical Vignettes with Common Chief Complaints: A Pilot Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023;20(4):3378.
Shimizu T, Lim TK. “Pivot and Cluster Strategy” in the light of Kahneman’s “Decision Hygiene” template. Diagnosis (Berl) 2023;10(3):215-217.
Harada Y, Otaka Y, Katsukura S, Shimizu T. Effect of contextual factors on the prevalence of diagnostic errors among patients managed by physicians of the same specialty: a single-centre retrospective observational study. BMJ Qual Saf 2023:bmjqs-2022-015436
Toyoshima T, Harada Y, Morikawa T, Shimizu T. Dapsone-induced Heinz-body haemolytic anaemia. BMJ Case Rep 2023;16(10):e256775.
Otaka Y, Harada Y, Sugawara N, Shimizu T, Yasui-Furukori N. Relationship Between Diabetic Chorea and Timing of MRI Findings: A Systematic Review with Case Reports. Int J Gen Med 2023;16:4465-4476.
Hamai A, Harada Y. Masked tinea. Cleve Clin J Med 2023;90(10):601-602.
Yokose M, Hirosawa T, Shimizu T. A case report of Pustulotic arthro-osteitis in a middle-aged woman. JHGM 2023:5-5;212-214
Kakimoto S, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Phlegmonous gastritis. CMAJ 2023;195(35):E1181.
Sakamoto T, Shimizu T. A Case of Pontine Infarction Diagnosed from Bilateral Cheiro-Oral Syndrome and Truncal Ataxia. JHGM 2023:5-4;168-170
Hongo M, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Nontyphoidal Salmonella urinary tract infection in a young man. JHGM 2023:5-4;166-167
Komoda J, Hori T, Sato K, Kusajima K, Shimizu T. Hypomagnesemia because of nedaplatin for cervical cancer: A case report. J Gen Fam Med 2023;24(4):257-260.
Tomiyama S, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Why not re-evaluate? The value of chest radiography. Emerg Med J 2023;40(7):473-492.
Tanaka I, Shimizu T. Unexplained hypercapnia? What a chest X-ray tells us. Am J Med Sci 2023:S0002-9629(23)01249-1.
Kakimoto S, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Gastric syphilis. QJM 2023;116(9):800-801.
Kojo K, Morikawa T, Kikawa T, Sasaki K, Suyama Y, Shimizu T. Diagnostic dilemma of syncope: Esophageal hiatal hernia and high-risk bundle-branch block. Intern Med 2023.
Kakimoto S, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Periportal halo in a patient with right atrial myxoma. QJM 2023;116(8):710-711.
Kakura K, Harada Y, Shimizu T. A Combination of Three Nerve Entrapment Syndromes, Which was Difficult to Differentiate from a Vertebral Compression Fracture. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med 2023;10(5):003863.
Kakimoto S, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Toxic Shock Syndrome with Breast Abscess in a Breast-Feeding Woman. J Gen Intern Med 2023;38(8):1994-1995.
Kakimoto S, Harada Y, Shimizu T. A thermal imaging camera at the work office trigged the diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis. QJM 2023;116(7):542-543.
Otaka Y, Harada Y, Kawamura R, Shimizu T. EPIPERICARDIAL FAT NECROSIS. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med 2023;10(3):003823.
Kikuchi M, Harada Y, Hamai A, Takaoka S. Above the Threshold Time of Coagulation: Delayed Diagnosis of Acquired Hemophilia A. Am J Med 2023;136(6):555-557.
Harada Y, Masuyama T, Yokose M, Shimizu T. Acute-on-Chronic Pattern of Isolated Upper Back Pain in a Patient With Acute Coronary Syndrome. Cureus 2023;15(2):e34923.
Hamai A, Harada Y, Sogi M. Visible mucosal changes of pseudomembranous colitis in a sigmoid colostomy. CMAJ 2023;195(2):E82.
Kano Y, Harada Y. Red Spots on Soft Palate: An Atypical Peripheral Sign of Infective Endocarditis. Am J Med 2023;136(5):e92-e93.
Yokose M, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Visualizing diagnostic “hotspots” in a tertiary hospital. Eur J Intern Med 2023:S0953-6205(23)00408-9.
Hirosawa T, Shimizu T. Enhancing clinical reasoning with Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer: a practical guide. Diagnosis (Berl) 2023.
Shimizu T, Harada Y. The first diagnostic excellence conference in Japan. Diagnosis (Berl) 2023;10(4):353-355.

坂本哲、柴崎郁子、志水太郎. 獨協医科大学病院感染性心内膜炎(IE)センターによる院内IEの疫学的分析. 第51回獨協医学会学術集会. 2023年12月2日. 栃木.
Mizuta K, Hirosawa T, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Evaluating ChatGPT-4’s accuracy in assessing differential-diagnosis lists for diagnostic assistance? SIDM 2023 Cleveland. October 10, 2023. Cleveland, Ohio, the United States of America.
Urayama K, Hirosawa T, Harada Y, Shimizu T. Diagnostic accuracy of Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGPT) generated differential-diagnosis lists for clinical vignettes compared to physicians’ diagnosis and between the generation. SIDM 2023 Cleveland. October 10, 2023. Cleveland, Ohio, the United States of America.
Harada Y, Suzuki T, Sakamoto T, Kawamura R, Harada T, Ishizuka K, Miyagami T, Nagano H, Kunitomo K, Watari T, Shimizu T. Can ChatGPT judge the diagnostic errors and their contributing factors in case reports? SIDM 2023 Cleveland. October 10, 2023. Cleveland, Ohio, the United States of America.
Harada Y, Tomiyama S, Sakamoto T, Yokose M, Kawamura R, Hayashi A, Shimizu T. Accuracy of DDx generator based on the number of shared DDx with other DDx generators. SIDM 2023 Cleveland. October 9, 2023. Cleveland, Ohio, the United States of America.
多胡雅毅、佐々木陽典、香月尚子、平田里紗、相原秀俊、小松史哉、宇根一暢、宮上泰樹、鈴木有大、川村廉、武岡宏明、安岡由佳、奥真也、志水太郎、鍋島茂樹、内藤俊夫、田妻進. 原因不明の腹痛と急性肝性ポルフィリン症の診断に関する後方視的研究~中間報告~. 第27回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会. 2023年8月27日. 東京.
綱島啓太,横瀬允史,廣澤孝信,志水太郎.アトピー性皮膚炎の既往のある若年男性の三尖弁感染性心内膜炎.ePoster Presentation. 第27回日本病院総合診療医学会学術総会.2023年8月27日.東京.
Olson A, Shimizu T. Plenary Workshop: Clinical Reasoning on Stage. SIDM 2023 Utrecht. July 3rd, 2023. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Harada Y, Otaka Y, Katsukura S, Shimizu T. Assessing atypical presentation and its impact on diagnostic errors. Oral presentation. SIDM 2023 Utrecht. July 3rd, 2023. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Harada Y, Watari T, Nagano H, Suzuki T, Kunitomo K, Miyagami T, Aita T, Ishizuka K, Maebashi M, Harada T, Sakamoto T, Tomiyama S, Shimizu T. Diagnostic errors in uncommon diseases: Learning from a systematic review of case reports. Poster presentation. SIDM 2023 Utrecht. July 3rd, 2023. Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Yokose M, Harada Y, Hanai S, Tomiyama S, Shimizu T. Visualizing Diagnostic “Hotspots” in a Tertiary Hospital: A Retrospective Analysis. Poster presentation. SIDM 2023 Utrecht. July 3rd, 2023. Utrecht, the Netherlands.


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